The Adventure
“Security is mostly a superstition. It does not exist in nature, nor do the children of men as a whole experience it. Avoiding danger is no safer in the long run than outright exposure. Life is either a daring adventure, or nothing.” Helen Keller
I truly believe this quote, my friends that have chosen a life of security have no less tragedy in their lives than those of my friends who have chosen a life of adventure. For me, the adventure is what makes life beautiful, the not knowing, the discovery of things I may have never seen, or done, and every time it broadens my vision of the world.
The Perils of Planning
Trust is always something I've had and still have, I have a hard time when a person just lies outright to your face... Initially we were going to take a pop up and over the last couple of months I have been searching for an economical, small pop up to take. A few weeks ago I thought I found one, on ebay. However, the seller, was dishonest and lied, not just through emails about it's condition, but when he dropped it off, he lied to my face. I have never experienced that before. Conveniently I couldn't open the camper to look inside, as the one problem he shared with me was that the cable that lifts the top was broken. I asked him about the canvas, and he lied. I wasn't going to share this with anyone, but I feel perhaps I can help someone else avoid being scammed. Oh and if a vehicle is 10 years old or older, eBay doesn't cover it with their protection program. Even though their site says everywhere that you're protected. So, in short, buyer beware. Unfortunately eBay has been useless in our communications.
It led us to the decision of a tent. We'll save gas mileage, and cots will make it comfortable. We won't be off the ground but with a good tent, we'll be dry and comfortable.
Getting the car ready for the trip is the next big hurdle. Thanks to my cousin Ivan, an excellent mechanic, this is within our budget.
Simple is better :)
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